QUT’s BPM Discipline
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Mustafa Hashmi
ContactsData61 | CSIRO (formally, NICTA, Queensland Research Laboratory)
Street Address: 70 – 72 Bowen Street| Spring Hill, Brisbane QLD 4001
Tel: +61(7) 3138 7081 | Fax: +61(7) 3138 4438
Web: http://www.nicta.com.au | Email: mustafa.hashmi[at]nicta.com.auStudy LevelDoctor of Philosophy (PhD)Thesis Title Evaluating Business Process Compliance Management FrameworksSupervisors
- Prof. Dr. Guido Governatori [NICTA]
- Dr. Moe Thandar Wynn [QUT]
CompletionDecember 2015 (Completed)AbstractThe fall of major commercial players such as Enron and Worldcom has sparked the need of stringent regulations for the top management of big enterprises.Regulatory laws such as BASEL-II, Sarbanes-Oxley, HIPPA have been proposed to minimize the risk of the re-occurrence of such corporate failures. Businesses have been required to redesign the way they operate for better accountability, traceability, and transparency. The implementation of compliance rules in process-oriented enterprises is a relatively new but complex phenomenon. There is little research in this area as much of current research has focused on the development of new process modeling techniques and tools. This research proposal is in the area of business process compliance management; the objective is to develop a comprehensive compliance requirements framework by evaluating and comparing different compliance approaches in the business process compliance domain. A case based survey method will be used to evaluate and verify the degree of compliance support in existing approaches. The proposed work will provide a close integration of three compliance perspectives namely: detective, corrective, and preventive compliance. The outcome of this doctoral work will allow enterprises to better respond to the changing regulatory demands for better transparency, and also to reap the commercial benefits of business process compliance improvements.Affiliations
- DATA61 | CSIRO (formally, NICTA, Queensland Research Laboratory)
- QUT’s Business Process Management Group
- OASIS Legal RuleM: Member Technical Committee
Publications Journal Publications
- Hashmi, M. Governatori, G. Wynn,M.T (2015). Normative Requirements for Business Process Compliance: An Abstract Formal Framework: Information Systems Frontiers Journal . DOI: 10.1007/s10796-015-9558-1
Conferences/Workshops/Books Chapters
- Governatori, G and Hashmi, M. (2015). Permissions in Deontic Event-Calculus.. In proceedings of 28th International Conference on Legal Knowledge and Information Systems (Jurix’15), Braga Portugual. [ Short Paper – In Press]
- Hashmi,M (2015). A Methodology for Extracting Norms from Regulatory Documents. In proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Evolutionary Business Processes co-located with EDOC 2015, Adelaide Australia, pp. 41-50, 2015. [Conference paper]
- Governatori, G. and Hashmi, M. (2015). No Time for Compliance. In Proceedings of the 19th IEEE Conference on the Enterprise Computing (EDOC’2015), Adelaide Australia, pp. 9-18, 2015. [Conference paper]
- Hashmi,M. Governatori,G. and Wynn,M.T (2014). Modeling Obligations with Event-Calculus. The 8th Int’l Web Rules Symposium (RuleML2014), LNCS volume 8020, Prague Czec Republic 18-20 August, pp 296-310. [Conference Paper]
- Hashmi, M. Governatori, G. and Wynn, M.T (2013). Normative Requirements for Business Process Compliance. In proceedings of the Third Australasian Symposium on Service Research and Innovation (ASSRI’13), LNBIP volume 177, pp. 100-116. Springer International Publishing. [Book Chapter]
- Hashmi, M. and Governatori, G. (2013). A Methodological Evaluation of Business Process Compliance Management Frameworks. In Proceedings of the 1st Asia Pacific Conference On Business Process Management (AP-BPM 2013), Springer, Beijing, China. [Book Chapter]
- Hashmi, M., Governatori, G. and Wynn, M.T. (2012). Business Process Data Compliance. In Lecture Notes in Computer Science Series, Springer Montpellier, France, pp. 32-46. [Conference Paper]
Technical Reports / Working Papers / Submitted etc.
- Hashmi, M. Governatori, G. and Wynn, M.T (2015). Norms Modelling Constructs for Business Process Compliance Management Frameworks: A Conceptual Evaluation. Enterprise Information Systems [Submitted]
- Hashmi,M. Governatori,G. and Wynn,M.T (2015). Deontic–EC: A Logic for Modelling Normative Requirements. [Working paper]
- Hashmi. M., Governatori, G. and Wynn, M.T. (2013). Normative Requirements for Business Process Compliance. NICTA Technical Report, [Unpublished]
Further listings of my recent publications can be found at QUT ePrints or you can send me an email to request a copy.

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