QUT’s BPM Discipline
At the forefront of BPM research
Our BPM Research Group members carry out research in many different aspects of BPM and expressions of interest for collaborations are sought in the following general areas of research. Please have a look at recent publications of the group to learn more about the topics.
- Process modelling
- Process automation
- Process verification
- Process monitoring
- Process simulation
- Process configuration
- Reference process modeling
- Process choreography
- Context-Awareness
- Applications of BPM technology
- Workflow patterns
- Yet Another Workflow Language (YAWL)
- Goal specification
- Interlanguage process mappings
- BPM governance
- BPM maturity models
- Risk analysis
If you want to partner in projects and professional services:
The BPM group is involved in a variety of research projects and professional services for major companies:
- Collaborative long-term research, e.g. ARC-linkage or industry-funded
- Contract Research
- Consultancy and certification (see BPM Training website)
- Community of practice (see BPM Collaboration website)
- Teaching and training (see BPM Training website)
- Joint systems development, e.g. related to the YAWL system
If you are looking for an academic staff position:
The BPM group regularly offers positions on all career levels. Positions are advertised on the QUT recruitment website. You can keep track of open positions in our group by checking the QUT recruitment website regularly, or by subscribing to the one of the major mailing lists DBWorld, AISWorld, or SEWorld where we post our position advertisements. On the QUT recruitment website you find also information about how you can apply for a position. Once your interview was successful and your application is accepted, you receive an offer to fill the position. If you are not an Australian citizen and you do not have an Australian work permit, QUT will lodge a visa sponsorship. As soon as this sponsorship is accepted, you will be notified to lodge a visa application online (visa subclass 457). More info on the Subclass 457 website.
If you are a student interested in a PhD, Masters by Research, or Honours degree:
We encourage QUT students with an excellent track record to contact us. Please see below for how to contact us. If you do not study at QUT, there may be the option to join us as a visitor. International students should consult the QUT fees and study costs page and the QUT scholarships website.
If you want to join as a visitor:
We welcome visiting researchers, students, and people from industry.
- Visiting Researchers:
- If you are planning to visit us, please contact us as much in advance as possible. In the typical case, you will need a specific visa for a visiting academic (Subclass 419). To lodge your visa application you need to be invited by QUT. More information on this particular visa subclass is available online at the Subclass 419 website. Furthermore, we have to make sure in advance that we can provide you with a desk at our group, and that you get a user account for accessing the computer network. Please see below for how to contact us.
- Students (Occupational Trainees):
- We encourage students with an excellent track record to join our group as a so-called occupational trainee. In case you are studying overseas, you need nomination letter from QUT and an occupational trainee visa (Subclass 442). More information on this particular visa subclass is available online at the Subclass 442 website.
- If you want to study at QUT, please refer to the university website to find out about admission and enrolment. There are also several scholarship programs.
- Visiting People from Industry:
- We encourage industry to get involved and benefit from our research. As part of a cooperation, you might have a stay at our group.
- Intellectual Property Management:
- While undertaking research at QUT, you should familiarize yourself with QUT rules on IP. You will also be expected to sign a YAWL Contributor Agreement while working on YAWL projects.
Funding opportunities
Some scholarship opportunities are mentioned on the QUT scholarship website. Now evaluated as they arrive and scholarships are awarded to applicants who meet the cut-off date (November). Commencement can proceed at any time after the offer of the scholarship.
There are also many international, national, and non-profit organizations that provide funding for exchange of students and academic staff. We have gathered links to some organizations in some countries:
- Austria: OeAD
- Australia: There are some funding opportunities for incoming senior researchers provided by the Australian Research Council (ARC). Please also consult the QUT scholarship website
- China: China Scholarship Council
- France: The French embassy in Australia provides some information on funding opportunities. See Ambafrance
- Germany: DAAD
- Italy: In Italy most of the universities provide individual schemes. If you are an Italian student, check the translation of this page, including specific information for Italians here.
Please note that there are many other funding options in these countries and countries that we have not listed here.
Open Positions
No open position at this point of time.
For further information on available BPM opportunities for collaboration, please contact one of the staff members below. Please include the following information, so that we can easily answer to your request:
- What type of collaboration are you interested in (position, student, academic visitor, occupational trainee, industry visitor)?
- Please attach your Curriculum Vitae (including publication list if applicable)
Do you seek a scholarship or a funding? - Do you aim to engage on a full-time or part-time basis (if applicable)?
- When is your expected start date?
- Do you aim to reside in Brisbane during the engagement?
- What topics of our research interests are you interested in?
Contact Us
Dr. Chun Ouyang
Senior Lecturer
Science and Engineering Faculty
Queensland University of Technology
Ph: +61 7 3138 9835
[email protected]
Dr. Moe Thandar Wynn
Senior Lecturer
Science and Engineering Faculty
Queensland University of Technology
Ph: +61 7 3138 9835
[email protected]
Prof. Marcello La Rosa (Italian liaison)
Science and Engineering Faculty
Queensland University of Technology
Ph: +61 7 3138 9482
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